:+: Healthcare for CyberWoLfman? :+:
Throughout my life, I've spent a lot of time and money trying to make the world a better place. 😇 But, when I need help or even just basic healthcare, it seems nearly impossible to get it! 😖
This page documents my struggle to get healthcare as well as copies of my medical records, that I've been asking for since 2012!
Links for this page:
💥 My current battle, soon to escalate! 💥
Notice: Although I'd really like to continue helping others and the world like telling them of Drinking Water Safety, warming them of Climate Change AKA Climate Breakdown, Sea Level Rise, Global Warming and Fossil Fuels, (and, someday, maybe return to doing the other things I used to do to help others, including giving cash prizes to the top trivia scorers in my 3D world's (This Is It) trivia game like I did every month for years using my own money to encourage people to learn, even though I was (and have been most of my adult life) living under the FPL AKA Federal Poverty Level. Why? Because I thought it was important to help others), doing things by making more help and tip pages (or doing it other ways and any other way I can think of), like the Colour Codes and Colour Names page I created, I'm an elderly disabled veteran with severe
One of my very latest creations is the City of Heroes Homecoming Server Tips which is a very detailed Web page, created for new City of Heroes players, so their learning curve isn't as rough as it could if they can't find anyone in-game to help them (which is all-too-often in the hours when there's not many people on). This Web page is also an example of some of the new things I've come up with, including the differently-coloured mouse-over or hover your mouse over words (
▶️ That, and something I did just for laughs after making a YouTube channel under my real name and posting my very first 'short' video on YouTube, It's Raining Men! MC Escher inspired video of scrapyarders in the City of Heroes game, after learning more about
🤩 Here's my CyberWoLfman channel on YouTube, if you're inclined to subscribe! 🙏 🥺
🤫 🥷 Other YouTube accounts, where I simply post the raw video and audio recordings I take using
💡 If anyone else wants to do something sneaky like that, remember not to use keywords or tags which might come up if any of the people you've been video-recording suspect what you've done. Also, a VPN doesn't make you anonymous. You have to do other things, like change your MAC address!
🪪 But, in time, someone is going to be taking pictures of the videos posted and running it through a facial recognition system. Although, with things like DeepFace and FindFace already out there (the latter is already being used to scan live video feeds in many video surveillance systems, including Moscow's), YouTube videos and the videos on other sites are going to be scanned to identify everyone in them rather soon, especially considering how fast AI technology and system processing speed is advancing.
⏳ I expect that in a year to five years, people will be able to simply type in someone's name and be shown a list of videos they appear in. Some megacorporations and governments probably already have such technology. It'd be handy for doing some quick vetting before that first pre-hire interview. So, in a few years at most, there's going to be some very unhappy healthcare professionals out there when they do such a search for their own names or hear what some of their friends, family or coworkers found!
Want a little foreshadowing? Check YouTube for hidden surveillance footage, because I guarantee you that I'm not the only one doing it!
⚠ 🥸 Oh. You think you have privacy? Do you really think you have any rights to privacy in this modern era, where
How do I know these things? I pre-date people like Edward Snowden by decades (but, I try to keep a lower profile in the interest of
😟 Why are people doing bad things to someone who has spent decades trying to help and inform others and is trying to make the world a better place? 😇 How do they justify that? Did
With each day, 😖 I get worse 😖. With each interaction with these 👹 humans 👹 (especially when I try to get them to do the right thing, which they seem dead set against), I get even worse. Can't sleep even as well as I used to (which wasn't much, to be honest), my anxiety's so bad, I get up after a while of not being able to sleep, with an even bigger headache, with all the lies they've told me and the manipulations they've used on me and the frustration of trying to get this situation resolved since 2012 growing ever stronger. I can't concentrate, I'm frequently shaking with the anxiety, and with each day that passes, it seems like I'm seeing the entirety of the human race as nothing by cruel, sadistic monsters, uncaring of anyone but themselves. How long before I snap? I've already told Nelson Herrera, who claimed to be the newest manager of the ChenMed healthcare facility I go to of my situation and told him I'm on the point of snapping, even putting the word snapping in all capital letters! No response whatsoever and I can't even get my anxiety medication re-prescribed, so, it seems like this is their mission objective.
See another doctor or a specialist when I have enough anxiety and frustration of dealing with the people I've been interacting with since 2012? Or, even worse, a specialist that the one who seems responsible for much of my ever-increasing anxiety due to the fact that he won't even re-prescribe my anxiety medication, when I assume he's probably already told them ways that they can screw me over, too? That only makes me feel more anxious. 😰 The newest doctor seems kind of stupid, anyway, as he believes I'm stupid and gullible. But, I noticed his physical reaction when I told him I didn't like being manipulated (it's a fun video to watch when I need a laugh). Guess he didn't like being caught at it!
There's also extreme frustration at trying to get a copy of my medical records from the medical center I've been going to, from which I've been asking for a copy of verbally or in written form almost every single time I've gone there since 2012 and even gave a
So, I've taken video of them (if you use surveillance on me, it's only fair that I use
Perhaps I should also find out who their parents are and what schools they went to and ask them if this type of behaviour is how they were raised and trained? 🤔 Since I've already been trained in how to get this information (including many publicly-accessible sources), doing so is a piece of cake for me. While I don't like to do such things, they're not leaving me with any other option! Seriously, what excuse are they using to break federal law? You'd think it'd be illegal to break the law, but, maybe some people can get away with it. Or, like many criminals, they believe they can . . . 😡
Is that what you want? It would seem so, as I've tried over and over again to get you to comply with federal law! You can't use the excuse that you didn't know about it, as I have 🔎 proof 🔍 that you did!
Most of the staff at that medical facility 🐍 💩 ☹ ☣️ 🪳 sucks 🪳 ☣️ ☹ 💩 🐍. Many of them lie to my face (are they not aware of the fact that by interacting with me, they agree to my Life Rules?), invade my privacy even in one of the few places where someone is still allowed to have an 'expectation of privacy,' the exam room (one of them, whose name started with an E, opened the door, walked in when I was in a state of undress and stood there with the door fully open for a few minutes after she said she was in the wrong room), engage in serial killer tactics (the woman in charge of printing out medical records on the 2nd floor asked me to
🐍 🪳 👹 Liars: 👹 🪳 🐍 Just so you know, you're not the first person in my life who looked at me and thought I'd be easy to fool. You're not even in the first hundred! Just because I'm a big guy and have little experience in interacting with others, it doesn't mean that I'm an idiot. Trust me on this: I know how to spot a liar. Heck, the Lying Red Flags were even posted on this Web page! LOL Even video-recorded a healthcare professional lying to me then moving away and hugging herself, which was the exact same thing Richard Nixon did in his 'I am not a crook' speech! When people think you're stupid, they do some very dumb things, which, let's face it, make for great videos! ;-)
Been feeling like I'm in some kind of
Seriously, are these the people we're supposed to trust our health, and, possibly, even our very lives to? Ever feel like you're actually living in 🔥 Hell? 🔥
You try to be patient, you try to get people to do the right thing, you try to get them to comply with federal law, you try to appeal to their better nature (do they even have one or are they just pure evil to the very core of their souls?), you turn the other cheek, but, after a decade of frustration and ever-increasing anxiety, even an ⛪
⏳ I'm trying my best to get someone to do the right thing and work with me before I feel that I have no other choices available!
If you have any connection with the DoD, feel free to reach out to them and ask to see my Personnel Qualification Record (DA Form 2-1) and check out what my top aptitude area scores were in on the ASVAB (my lowest score was 94, which was in something I was doing professionally at the time and I took the ASVAB when I was stressed out). While I usually enjoy the fact that
July 27th, 2024: Although I sent a long text message to Nelson Herrera, who claimed to be the manager of that health clinic on July 17th, 2024, even citing HIPAA 45 CFR 164.524, I've yet to receive a response. Looks as though I need to take action . . . I've tried to contact them and resolve this over and over and over again, only to be ignored, lied to and manipulated. Now, I just have to decide if I want to post a preview of the video showing some of the ways they've screwed me over and that they've refused to comply with federal law before I post it to hype it a little before the premiere!
What will people say afterwards? Will they pretend to be in shock and say obvious lies like "if only we had some warning before it happened" or "if he had just told us how he was feeling, we could have done something to help"? Riiiiiiiiiight. You had years of warnings and over a decade of me asking, begging, pleading, giving you written notices that I gave to you in person (and even took video of you accepting) as well as sending text messages and calling you to ask you over the phone. You did absolutely nothing but to make things worse with your lies, manipulations, scams and invasions of my privacy!! For the record, I'm not planning on doing anything violent to myself or others (does anyone until the point where they utterly snap, and with their ability to reason gone, and, filled with rage, see no other way to resolve things?).
Violence is something humans are so much better at than me, as anyone who's read their history or has been seen as different since they were young can testify. They've been doing bad things to others since (at least) the start of recorded history, and, I have serious doubts that they'll ever stop. It's just human nature to be cruel, sadistic 👹 monsters 👹 and sharing the world has never been humanity's defining attribute!
But, while we're on the subject of people committing gun violence and becoming active shooters, doesn't it make you wonder why the news is always focused on the who, what, where, when and how of such incidents, but, there is very little discussion on the why? If the reason is mentioned at all, it seems to be only briefly, as if they, and others, had little interest in the cause. Shouldn't that be an important thing to focus on? If people could find out why others do bad things and find a way to resolve conflicts before the situation results in violence, it would help! But, perhaps the real reason is both a lack of caring and the fact that
Okay, I vented and tried to tell people what's going on and I'm really hoping some arsworm healthcare professionals out there buy a brain cell!
August 8th, 2024: The first video regarding
August 12th, 2024: Took some still image pictures from the videos I have of me giving the healthcare professionals written requests for my medical records as well as a USB stick!
1st picture is from 2021 showing a woman reading the written request for medical records and showing a witness who saw me handing it to her!
2nd picture is from 2021 showing the same woman accepting the the USB stick I handed to her to put copies of my medical records on, the woman who witnessed it is out-of-frame but is clearly seen in the video watching me hand it to her and sees her accepting it!
Should I post the videos and pictures along with the names of the people in them? Your call!
September 21st, 2024: Since even the manager at the healthcare facility isn't responding to my texts (been waiting over two months, now), I've decided to post links to this page on their social network pages!
If that doesn't get them to do the right thing, I guess the next step is to post the video, contact the police to get them to enforce the law and ask a lawyer to start a civil case lawsuit. They've left me with no other options. I've tried, but, I can't keep living in this emotional hell second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year any longer!!
September 22nd, 2024: Posted the first video showing proof that I've requested a copy of my medical records from Chen Senior Medical Center in accordance with HIPAA! If that doesn't do any good, my next step is to contact the police and a lawyer to start a lawsuit. I've tried to be patient for more than a decade while I've been put through emotional Hell. It's time for that to end.
Is ChenMed management and staff perhaps un-aware of the civil penalties for violating the federal law, HIPAA 45 CFR 164.524, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act? For wilful neglect (they can't claim they weren't aware of the law when I mentioned it when I handed them the written request and it was on each of the papers I handed them) and not providing me the information within the required time period (30 days), the minimum penalty is $50,000 per violation, with an annual maximum fine of $1,000,000!
That video I posted? It was from April 8th, 2021. For those having difficulty with maths, three years is longer than 30 days! Should I change the status of the other videos from private to public or simply post links to the raw footage from the other account? Somehow, I don't think ChenMed has hundred of thousands of dollars in petty cash to cover the fines they're racking up . . .
Since I've given them over a decade to comply with federal law and even gave the manager there, Nelson Herrera, over two months to reply to the texts I sent him, they don't seem to have any concern over what they've done or have any interest in resolving the matter.
So, as I've said, the healthcare facility was Chen Senior Medical Center. It's located at 410 E. Hallandale Beach Boulevard, Hallandale Beach, Florida, 33009. Giving the address also allows anyone who lives nearby to see the place for themselves and compare the video footage with it.
You have to wonder, though . . . Why the employees there and/or the management (was the staff and doctor 'just following orders' as the Nazis tried to claim as an excuse?) would do these things so willingly, knowing that it would not only reflect badly on them, the corporation they work for, all those who work with them, their family name and, quite possibly, on those who work in the healthcare field, itself, although not as badly as those involved in the Tuskegee Study, the radium girls' doctors and so on. Well that, and why'd they'd do it knowing that when such things are done intentionally, the penalties will be more severe . . .
Hmm . . . Can it be argued that what they've been doing to me is even worse than what others did to those in the Tuskegee Study? 🤔 Let's review! 🔎
✔️ They're collecting information about my slow demise. 🔬📉💀
✔️ They're not letting me know my health status. ❌🤔⚕️❌
✔️ They're not letting me have access to the information about me. 🚫🔒🗄️🔒🚫
✔️ They're not providing me with the medication that would help me. ❌💊❌
✔️ They're not giving me a hot meal on examination days. ❌🍜❌
✔️ They're not offering funeral benefits. ❌⚰️❌
So, that's a definite yes! 😰 But, perhaps ChenMed and those who work there aren't concerned about such a comparison . . .🤷
It seems as though the medical staff at ChenMed's 410 E. Hallandale Beach Boulevard, Hallandale Beach, Florida facility need to undergo scrutiny and have a competency review as well as review their cases for negligence! I wonder what the public would think if the news media did a story on how they treat their patients? Hmm . . . 🤔 Should I send them links to the videos I made? I've tried contacting ChenMed's management there months ago and there's no response, so what other options are there, really?
Well, while I wait to see if they're going to finally do the right thing (if they even know what the right thing is, as I see no evidence of a moral code), I'll decide if I want to edit one of the other videos I took and posted the raw footage on another account. Maybe the video of the new doctor, trying to manipulate me and then appearing shocked after I told him I didn't appreciate that being done to me. He probably looked at me and thought I'd be easy to manipulate, seeming to not realise that he wasn't the first to do so. 🤦♂️ Heck, he wasn't even in the first 100!
Should the schools that gave the medical staff their degrees be held accountable for their later actions? Or, whatever agency is responsible for re-certifying them? I find it difficult to believe that people can be given authorisation to work in the medical field and be responsible for patient care and not have to prove they're up-to-date with important medical information which, if not known, could lead to the death of patients! Will those who re-certified them testify that the staff knew about the HIPAA law and the penalties involved with violating it? If that's the case, the staff certainly can't claim they were ignorant of it and the video proves I mentioned it. Oops!
And, what about their parents, who were responsible for their moral upbringing? Aren't there cases where parents were held accountable for what their offspring did? Or does their responsibility, even for their morals (or lack of them), end when they turn 18?
These are questions that should be answered!
Other pages on this site:
☛ For a more complete list, please try the Site Map page, or the Main page, which doesn't list all the pages, but, is more interesting to look at than the Site Map page which is almost all links.
Pictures pages (more on the Site Map page)
Cyberwolfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, and theaters.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #5. Pictures of fountains, buildings, and people, including some radio D.J.s.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #6. More pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a multiple-car accident, skateboarders in a parking garage, pictures of the inside of the nearly totally abandoned College Hills Mall and a picture of the Miller Park lake showing it almost perfectly still and mirror-like.
My next pictures page should include pictures taken in South Florida.
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To search this Web site: Most newer Web browsers such as the TOR Browser (for some privacy, but, that's definitely not guaranteed and don't log in anywhere with it and it won't work with some sites) or Firefox come with a search engine box next to the address bar, or allow you to search from the address bar itself in Web browsers like Chromium (the open source Web browser that Google Chrome gets its source code from, but, un-like Google Chrome, it does not (at the time of this writing) contain rlz tracking). If you are looking for something on my Web site, simply make certain that search box AKA field is clear, type the word that you are trying to find, and, after a single space, add "site:cyberwolfman.com" (without the quotes) at the end. If you are looking for a phrase, put a quote mark (yes, now it's okay to use the quotes. Hee hee hee) on each end of the phrase, first, then, a space, and type in site:cyberwolfman.com and hit the Enter key.
When you get to the Web page, use the Ctrl+f key combination to search for what you're looking for on that page, to save yourself some reading time.
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You are very welcome. If you appreciate this kind of thing, please consider donating a single dollar to help keep this Web site running, and encourage me to do more by going to the Help Cyberwolfman page, where you can also learn how you can help people the world over for free! :-)