This Is It or ThisIsIt is a 3D world in the OuterWorlds universe that is owned by me (Cyberwolfman). If you like this world, tell others, and give them the location of this page, and invite them to join you here! :-)
Announcement: This Is It / ThisIsIt has closed, at least temporarily, due to lack of funds. It was costing too much money, and I had to run the 3D world from money out of my own pocket because I have no other sources of income such as advertising, and very few donations to help with the costs. :-( I'm hoping that sometime in the future, I can again afford to run it, but, as things stand now, I can barely afford to pay for the basics.
Were you ejected from ThisIsIt? You may have been ejected from ThisIsIt if you were acting very badly to other people and you you may be on the Persona Non Grata list, or have an IP address which was the same as one of them (look up dynamic IP addressing). While we don't expect your manners to be perfect, guests who come in to insult and threaten people don't stay very long, and are oft-times ejected by the bots to keep the world a nice, peaceful place for everyone to enjoy. :-)
If you found this page and don't have the OuterWorlds program installed on your computer to get to the world This Is It, you can download it from here, and it's free to use, too, unlike other programs.
If you're a user of the OuterWorlds program, either a citizen or a tourist and you get tired of hanging out in Imagica, OW, or whatever world you're in, you can come to my world, This Is It, look around, check out the live vidfeeds from all around the world, play trivia (if the bot is up and running), listen to real music (mostly Rock), and do other things. To go to This Is It, simply do one of the following:
World list: Find the world ThisIsIt in the world list and click on it to go there. If you don't have the tabs up yet that the Worlds list is on, just hit the F9 key on your keyboard (or select Show near the top of the window then the word Tabs), then click on the tab that says Worlds. After that, all you have to do is scroll down that list until you see the world ThisIsIt and click on it to go there.
Teleport: Select Teleport near the top of your OuterWorlds browser window, click on the word To... and then (after backspacing out the name of whatever word is in the World box) type in the word thisisit (you don't have to type anything in the Coordinates box) and hit the OK button. :-)
Quick Links to the main sections on this page. However, reading the entire page is recommended.
Pictures. Shows the GZ (Ground Zero) VidFeed Pavilion, and the Internet Radio Stations area!
Latest changes. Yes, we've been busy! LOL
What This Is It / ThisIsIt is. Gives information on what this world is all about.
Trivia Games. Anyone can start a game of trivia in ThisIsIt if TriviaBot is running, even tourists! :-) Read this section for full information, and tips. It includes help on problems you may have once in a while when playing a game.
Top Trivia Scorers! In May 2003, the top scorers were added to this page, and the tradition continues.
Tleilaxu. A mirror bot that acts as a living mirror.
VidFeed Pavilion. Contains live vidfeeds (video feeds) from all over the world!
CyberWoLfman's OuterWorlds Experience page. For more information on the OuterWorlds program including screenshots and OuterWorlds basics.
More stuff in This Is It / ThisIsIt. Many things are hidden in the world, and while you may find some of them, some of them may find you!
World Rules. Pretty simple. Mainly just be nice.
This Is It's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). This way, you can find out for yourself if no one's in the world to ask.
Links to the other pages. If you want to read more of the stuff on this site.
Pictures of ThisIsIt / This Is It!
Is It!
A small part of my world, ThisIsIt / This Is It! This is called the GZ (Ground Zero) of the world. You can see some of my bots here. There's GreeterBot and TriviaBot. Other bots include Nonesuch, Shadow, and once in a while, the dancing girl bots. ;-) The jukeboxes play streaming music and no, you're not hallucinating, that is a Sumerian ziggurat along with an Egyptian pyramid there in the background. Hee hee hee |
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Hurricane Center
The Hurricane Center is a place to observe hurricanes in the US. |
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More pictures to come as soon as we complete each section of the world! :-) Although the other areas can be seen in the world, they're not completed, yet. When they are, we'll post the pictures.
Terrain. You'll notice the difference as you look around. Much better than using individual objects to look like ground.
Ground Zero renovation.
We've removed the black and white marble, and replaced it with red
brick, complete with edging. Then we added some Roman arches, some
plants, and did a few other things. Most of the signs have been made
invisible, as well. If you are unfamiliar with This Is It, you can
click on the sign in the GZ that makes the signs re-appear. When you
grow tired of looking at them, you can click on the sign that makes
them disappear again. The sign teleports to the main attractions in
This Is It have been moved to the new World Attractions area, which you
can find by clicking on the slowly spinning globe in the NE corner of
the GZ. The signs displaying the names and top scorers for those who
have used Triviabot in This Is It have also been moved to the new
Trivia Informaion Room. To find it, simply click on the sign that says
"Trivia Room" where the signs used to be in the NE corner of the GZ,
and you will be teleported there.
We have been playing with this for a while, sometimes having the world
have a day / night cycle, other times, stars with Luna (what most of
the humans simply call 'the moon') showing in the sky. Feel free to
howl. We think it's one of the best views of Luna you will see. :-)
Notice: The triviabot will only be running when CyberWoLfman is logged in, and has been moved to the column on the North side of the GZ. You no longer have to click on the sign teleport for the Triviabot in the Main Attractions area to be teleported to where she is. If she's up and running, all you have to do is say "Triviabot start" (without the quotes) and she should start a game for you, provided that one isn't already in progress. More information on using Triviabot including tips on what to do if Triviabot can't hear you can be found by clicking here.
Tip: This page, like many others on the Web, can be searched for keywords. Click in the page to make sure it's selected, then press Ctrl + F at the same time to bring up the Find box. After that, type in the word you're looking for like jukeboxes, RealPlayer, trivia, or whatever, then hit Enter. If you have problems with it, try double clicking on a regular word, and then do Ctrl + F and search for a word.
Notice: This world is open to children, so we'd appreciate it if you don't cuss here. If the bots are running, you may even be ejected for it.
What exactly is ThisIsIt, you may ask?
Generally: It's primarily an entertainment world and a place to hangout for people from all over the world. The columns seem to be a favorite place to perch for some visitors... LOL After you're done downloading (if it stops downloading, and you're still seeing those little black triangles or the colors and/or textures don't all load, you may need to 'bounce' by going back to the last world you were in, then come back to complete the download), you can look at the large selection of avatars you can choose from if you're a citizen. If you're a tourist, not to worry. We thought of you, too! :-) We also include a large number of actions that everyone can use. Try some of the action buttons for some fun! :-)
You may notice that ThisIsIt is different from other worlds in appearance in some respects. While other worlds may be content with using the regular objects, avatars and textures, we feel that limiting our world to those restraints are stifling, dull, and overall, bores us to tears. To give you an idea of what is to come, we recommend you take a look at the bookcases in ThisIsIt, then compare them to what you find elsewhere. In time, we're going to find even more ways to make ThisIsIt better. By giving wings to our imaginations, and letting them fly, there is nothing we can't accomplish given time. :-) After all, if you can't dream, exactly how much different are you from a robot? ;-)
A safe default first loading world: Feel free to make this world your home. To those who don't know how to do that, and have the OuterWorlds browser, you simply click the word Teleport near the top of your screen, then choose Make This My Home.
Multi - streaming audio
When you look around at the GZ (Ground Zero), or in other places in this world, you'll notice a lot of jukeboxes. Each of them, and some other objects in ThisIsIt contain links to a separate music file. If you have the RealPlayer program (there's a free version, too, which many use, that you can download for free here. If the link doesn't work for you, go to and search for RealPlayer.) installed on your computer, you can put your pointer over one of the jukebox or other object, and if you like the name of the song, you can click on it. It should begin playing the song you selected in only a few seconds. Much better than waiting for an MP3 to download before you can listen to it, eh? ;-)
Please remember that you need to have your Internet Explorer's Security level in its Internet Options set to the default level, which is medium. To do that, open up Internet Explorer if it's not running already, click the word Tools near the top of the window, then select Internet Options from the list. Then you click on the Security tab, hit the button that says Default Level, click Apply, then OK, and that should do it. :-) Please remember to put it back on High Security Level before you leave ThisIsIt to keep yourself safer on the Internet, unless you use Internet Explorer to check your Web-based e-mail.
The music selection in the jukeboxes is mostly 1980's Rock music, but there's also some newer stuff from the 1990's, the 21st century, and a few from the 1970's if you'd prefer those instead. If another program is using sound, you may not be able to play the music from the jukebox. If you still have problems getting a song to load, you can try hitting the stop button on your RealPlayer program, wait a few seconds or minutes, then try again. It should work for you within a few attempts at most. Failing that, you can try another song first, and attempt to play the original after it's done playing. If you've tried all these things and you still can't get a song to play for you, there probably isn't much more you can do about it, sorry. :-(
If you don't have the free RealPlayer program yet, you can get it from along with other things if you want them.
When you install the RealPlayer program, and you don't want spam, you can always use a fake e-mail address. In regards to the "Notify me of important news..." most of us didn't select it. Then after you install it, re-boot, log back into OuterWorlds and return to ThisIsIt and try the jukeboxes. :-) One more little thing; there's been some talk that RealDownload is a spy program, so if you like, you can just select to install RealPlayer and nothing else during the install to avoid that.
Internet Radio Stations: In addition to the jukeboxes, there is also an area set up where you can enjoy listening to Internet radio stations! :-) This is to the West of the GZ, and you need to have the free program WinAmp installed to listen to them. You can download it at if you like. The signs describe what each radio station has to offer so you can pick which one you want to listen to before you click on the sign which will launch WinAmp and connect to the radio station. Although we try to keep the links in that section updated, some of them are constantly changing, so it is difficult. There are a few which we mark as not having worked at one time or another, but we keep them there, hoping they come back on-line.
Trivia games and Triviabot
There's sometimes a bot in ThisIsIt that can lead you (and anyone else who's near) in a game of trivia. If the bot is there in the GZ on the column at the North side of the GZ, just say "TriviaBot start" (no other words, and without the quotes), and if it's there, it'll start the game for you, even if you're a tourist unless there's a game already in progress. If it is, you may have to wait until that game is over before Triviabot can recognize you, and adds you to the list of players. Since the trivia games are only 10 questions each, that isn't long.
Categories include (to name a few): Action Movies, Ancient Egypt, Around the world, Books, Comic Books, Computers, Freaky Facts, Games, Genetics, Geography, Greek Mythology, Heroes and Villains, History, History of Flight, Internet Speak, It's All Wet, Luna, Money, Movies, Music, Myths and Legends, Nature, OuterWorlds, Privacy, Quotes, Riddles, Rock Music, Sci-fi, Science, Space, Star Trek, Survey Questions, The Body, The Internet, The Paranormal, The Simpsons, TV, US Geography, US History, War Tech, Weird Facts, Women in Charge, Word Definitions, X-Men, and Your Mind, although more questions and categories are being added all the time.
How to play trivia / how to use Triviabot: To answer the questions, you just say the answers without any other words, extra spaces, or punctuation. It's just the way the bot is. It can only recognize the answer to the question it asked. To those who have used Triviabot before, it no longer recognizes first names of people as the answer to the question, and in many cases, will only consider the full name as the answer like with the music questions. This is to avoid confusion that was caused by some of the answers having similar first names. Most of the answers are one word answers. If you get a riddle, try thinking it through.
Triviabot not hearing you: If you answer a question with the correct answer and didn't have any punctuation in it, extra spaces, or other words, you may've moved out of the bot's range during the game, or it had a connection problem of sorts between you and it. It should start 'hearing' you again in the start of the next game. If not, you can try leaving the world and returning in a minute, then wait for that game to end, start up a new game, and she may hear you again. If that doesn't work, you can try coming back later, whether an hour later or a day or so later.
Flooding during a game: Be aware that if you are within range of one of the GZ controlling bots, and you hit the Enter key too much in a certain amount of time, you could be ejected for flooding.
Invite others to play with you: If you need someone to play a game with, invite your friends in! We've had large groups of people playing at once before, and it's kind of fun. :-)
How to get high scores: Some people have figured this out, already. Because there's only a few hundred questions in Triviabot, it doesn't take much time to memorize the answers. Just play a few games, and you'll figure it out pretty fast. ;-) Some questions have hints in them, too. You have to pay attention to the words, and once you can concentrate on them, you've got a better chance. To find out exactly how many questions she currently has in her, you can go to the Trivia Information Room.
Trivia difficulty: Yes, some of the questions are slightly difficult or hard the first time you hear them, but if you play enough times, you'll learn the answers. :-) If it was easy to beat, the game would be boring, wouldn't it?
This is a bot that acts as a living mirror or mirror bot that's usually found in the NW corner of the GZ in the New Users section, and, if it is here, it should help you see what you look like to others. If you approach Tleilaxu, it will change its appearance to that of your own. Also, it will perform any actions you do so you'll see what they look like from the front as others see you. This bot is also useful for helping you decide what avatar you would like to use. There should be a little X in the ground that's at about the right distance to be from her. Get too close or go up too high in the air, and she changes back to her default appearance. If someone is already using her, you have to wait until they leave her range before she will react to you when you approach her.
As for where she got her name, it's from the 'Dune' sci-fi series of books by Frank Herbert. First instance of Tleilaxu was in the book Dune Messiah, the second book of the series. The first book was simply called Dune. The humans did a movie way back in 2003 called Dune Messiah. Some say it was better than any of the Dune movies (based on the first book).
VidFeed Pavilion with live video feeds from around the world
To those who just can't break themselves of the habit of staring into a screen, there's a large selection of live video feeds to the south of the GZ in the VidFeed Pavilion. You can either go up the stairs and down the road a few co-ords, or just click on the sign teleport in the World Attractions. The vidfeeds require frequent updating because they either go down often or the image has changed location, so you're likely to find one or two not working when you view them. While many of us wish that they'd all stay on all the time (especially the poor guy who got suckered into maintaining the things), some of them only refresh during the daylight hours in that part of the world, or when someone is there using it. At least you're spared having to put up with advertisements. They have various refresh times ranging from 10 seconds to 5 minutes. If you have a dial-up connection, or you want only a few of them to load as fast as they can, you can get closer to those at a good viewing distance while lowering your visibility so that other feeds won't be loading that aren't near you. Some of us like to stand near the middle of the VidFeed Pavilion or float over the globe in the middle and slowly raise our visibility until all the screens appear, then slowly rotate around, checking them all out. Kind of fun. :-)
CyberWoLfman's OuterWorlds Experience!
For the new people to OuterWorlds and citizens alike, the OuterWorlds Experience page offers lots of helpful advice, and is a source of information you won't find anywhere else. It's kind of like a survival guide to OuterWorlds. You can find it here. There should also be a newspaper box in the GZ that you can click on if you prefer to do it that way. It includes info on keeping your computer safe, building in OuterWorlds, and other things. You're welcome to also pass out the location of it to others. :-)
But wait, there's still more!
(Okay, I just had to do that! LOL)
There's lots of other stuff in ThisIsIt as well (a few signs in the World Attractions will take you to other things that haven't been mentioned yet), and more being added and improved upon all the time, but we're not going to spoil the surprise by telling you about it all. Look around. You should find most of it, or it may find you. Some of you have already met Shadow... Check back often and stick around if you can. You never know who (or what) is going to show up next! We've even had music artists come in here!
Okay, now for the world rules segment. Don't worry though, they're pretty simple. :-)
This world is governed by the following rules. If you follow these simple rules, you may remain here and be welcome. If you don't, you're most definitely not welcome here.
#1: Kindness and courtesy are expected of all visitors. Visitors that do not show both of these qualities may be ejected. If you wish to be rude and mean to others, there are many other chat programs where such behavior is the norm. Most of us know the names of those programs, and choose to avoid them because we think that they aren't worth wasting our time in going to them.
#2: Cussing is not tolerated in this world, because it is open to kids. If you cuss, you may be ejected. You were warned. If your knowledge of the English language is so poor that you need to cuss to express yourself, you make it appear to others as though you had flunked out of grade school.
Now that we have that out of the way, here's the FAQ (an acronym meaning Frequently Asked Questions):
Question: What are all those jukeboxes doing around the edges of the GZ (Ground Zero) and in other places in This Is It / ThisIsIt?
Answer: For those who didn't read about them already on this page, they each contain a link to a music file (that plays using the RealPlayer program), the name of which is shown when you put your mouse over them. For best results, you should have Show then Web selected before you click on the one that you wish to play. If you don't, and you have Netscape installed on your computer and running, it may try to download the entire file first before playing it, and that could take a while. By using Internet Explorer (the browser you use when you select Show then Web), you save yourself a lot of time! (But most of use prefer to use programs like Mozilla for surfing the Web.) If Internet Explorer gives you the message about your security settings not allowing you to play the file, you need to lower them to medium. To do that, open Internet Explorer, select Tools near the top of the window, then from the list, select Internet Options. Click on the Security tab, then near the bottom of that, hit the Default Level button. Then you just hit the Apply button, then the OK button and you're done. After that, you can close Internet Explorer, close OuterWorlds then re-start it, come back into ThisIsIt and again try to click on one of the jukeboxes to play songs. Enjoy! :-) For your own safety, we recommend that you re-set your security settings to high before you leave ThisIsIt unless you need to use Internet Explorer to download files or accept cookies at Web sites (like many Web-based e-mail sites require you to do).
Question: Is This Is It / ThisIsIt open to public building, and if it isn't, can you make an exception in my case, so I can build here?
Answer: Regrettably, at this time, This Is It is not in any way ready for public building. That may change in the future, if things improve, but right now, we're stretching our budget to the breaking point just to afford this. For more information, or if you want to help, click here.
Question: Where do you get all the objects (avatars, et cetera) from?
Answer: Many of them were available for downloading for free at various locations on the Internet. There are even a few here that have been given to us under the provision that they're only to be used in ThisIsIt.
Question: Can I have public speaker rights and/or eject rights in your world?
Answer: If we want you to have these rights, we'll offer them to you. Since those with PS rights can't be ejected (except by the world owner and his bots) and giving someone eject rights would allow them to eject whoever they like (except for the aforementioned people with public speaker rights), this isn't something that's done lightly, and aggravating others by asking them about it repeatedly and / or cussing will more than likely get you ejected. This isn't something that's done lightly, and we certainly won't give them to people who we suspect may mis-use them, like those who throw fits because they don't get what they want. "Trust is earned, not given upon the asking" - CyberWoLfman. If you want a tip on how to get public speaker and / or eject rights, hang out in ThisIsIt as much as you can, and try to get your friends to join you here. The more you do for us, the more you get in return. That's the way that this world works. Even though the real world isn't always as fair, we try to be. :-) In addition to that, we've been giving PS rights to the citizen who scores the highest playing trivia in ThisIsIt for that month. So, just pop in, play, and beat the top score for that month, and you get PS rights.
Question: When are you going to add (whatever addition to the world you're asking about).
Answer: When the muses give inspiration, there's time to do it, and the addition in question is available. Not before all three of those conditions are met.
Keep this site alive! Donate a dollar (but only if you can spare one) to keep this site alive. Click here to find the mailing address, or to donate with PayPal. Your help is desperately needed!
If you appreciate a site that doesn't bombard you with pop-up ads, adult ads, or Flash ads, and in fact, tells you how to get rid of them for free (see the Internet Help page), show your support now, before this site is no more, and you are left with only those kind of sites.
The donation page also has links where you can help feed starving people just by clicking. Try it out. It may make the world a better place. :-)
Other pages on this site:
:+: Main page :+: Blog :+: Internet Help :+: 3D Chat Programs :+: Stories :+: Cool Quotes :+: Repressed Technology :+: VidScans (honest movie reviews and honest TV show reviews) :+: Trivia :+: Laugh Machine :+: E-mail Privacy / PGP :+: WinMX Help :+:
Pictures pages:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theaters, et cetera.
Copyright © Cyberwolfman™ aka CyberWoLfman™ aka Grok Wolf. All Rights Reserved.