Do not (in any way or through any means such as the Internet) harass, attack, abuse, troll, grief, pawn, ridicule, hurt, impersonate, threaten (including trying to threaten our souls or put them in jeopardy with your own rules, demands, limitations, laws or what have you and we hereby state that any such agreement(s) are null and void), kill, persecute, bully, lie about us, say bad things about us (with the belief that the person/people you communicate it to will never bother to confirm it, and, if they do say something bad about me (or anyone else, for that matter), ask them if Satan can have their soul for all of eternity with no renegotiation later as well as that of their parent(s) and their employer(s) and see how fast they shut up or try to avoid swearing to it, not that it matters, since, because of what I've outlined here, they've already consented to it, whether they know about it or not), tamper with our food, what we drink or our prescription drugs or treat me or others unfairly based on appearance, skin colour, race, disability, our occupation (provided it's not something morally wrong), country of origin, the language we speak (or don't speak), our social status, the clothes we wear, our gender identity, sexual orientation, income level or the way we think or feel (you can try to change our minds by being nice to us, but, some of us will suspect that you're setting us up for something (or want something out of us) because it's been done to us far too frequently in the past) or shame us (for something we have little or no control over and we're likely already struggling with it) or if you spam us (or set us up for spam even if you were under orders to), try to scam us (whether you succeed or not) or lie to us (lying to people is a betrayal of trust), cheat us (ditto), steal from us (again, a betrayal of trust), set up an appointment for us without us contacting you to do so, spy on us (audio and/or video and/or photograph), violate our privacy (especially in places where we should have privacy such as a restroom, bedroom or doctor's exam room, and, (at least in the United States), the law insists that the patient has privacy rights in that situation but the healthcare professionals don't, even if (s)he's the one who closes the exam room door), insist we agree to any written agreement (including any linked information) which would take even someone who was brought up to read the language it was written in (and at least has an average reading speed) over 5 minutes to read it not counting the time(s) they stop or had to re-read part of it or look up the definitions of words (seriously, think of all the programs or apps we use that the companies which make them insist we agree to, while, at the same time, insist we can only use so many characters in our own communications to them) engage in public dumping, litter, unnecessarily pollute (such as dumping used motor oil) or destroy any property (including intellectual property such as what we write or otherwise create) we own, rent or live at (or the Earth for that matter, as we (currently) only have one habitable planet, after all), give or sell our information to others without our fully informed (including exactly who you're sharing it with and who they might share it with, et cetera, until the sharing absolutely stops) consent given each time without duress (such as by refusing to provide us medical care or to give us a copy of our own information (including scholastic records or medical records which you're required by federal law to do in places like the United States) such as having to give consent for you to give it and/or sell it to others, screw us over in any way or libel or slander us in any medium or format!
You atone and make amends by righting your wrongs in fair and full measure (for example, picking up your litter and contacting those you made allegations to or lied to and tell them that you lied to them and about what) equal to what you did to us and do your best to seek our forgiveness and donate to a reputable charity (or charities) a fair amount of time and/or money (making the donation in the injured party's name, especially if they are no longer around if it was even partially due to something you did is recommended) equal to or exceeding the physical and/or emotional damage you caused!
I make it a point to pray multiple times a day that people get back ten-fold what they've done or will do unto me. Whoever or whatever's in charge of karma may feel that it's not an unreasonable request and is only a multiplier of what they were going to get, anyway.
With the ever-growing surveillance around the world (primarily in the endemic surveillance societies such as the United States, China and Russia, most of which I guarantee you do not know about, as it's kept secret for national security reasons or if it was known would make investigating criminals more difficult and we're not just talking about facial geometry, transmitted unique hardware serial numbers, skin pore mapping (so if only a few of your skin pores can be seen you can be identified), gait analysis, device tracking, advertiser tracking, routers set to watch people's movements, your television, mobile devices and IoT watching and listening to you and AI that can read lips as well as facial expressions and microexpressions and scan text via those devices and surveillance cameras and so on), it's almost a 100% certainty that someone, somewhere knows exactly who you are (simply hiding your IP address alone doesn't make you anonymous and the VPN you use might be under the control of a government or corporation which is gathering information on you as such things have happened all too often in the past and that's even easier if the VPN is the one that provides you with the encryption, and, let's face it, if it's a corporation, they'd make even more money selling that information to interested parties and if you believe that a corporation would never do such a thing, you have a lot to learn, yet) what you did and that information has been passed on to others and possibly made a part of your permanent record somewhere. In some parts of the world, this is already being done. If you don't think it's being done in your country, yet, think about this: The best time to make an accurate record of what someone is like (their character, morals, criminal acts, et cetera) is when they don't believe that they're being watched.
Look around you! What about the people you work with, live with, hang out with or the ones you tell what you did either in the real world or on-line? Ever wonder why you didn't get the job you applied for or a raise? Or, did someone you were trying to . . . 'woo' suddenly change their mind? Who do you think told your employer, potential employer or a possible love interest? What do people who are sometimes competing for the same thing (or person) do to better their chances? Or, maybe they think it's fun to screw you over behind your back (many people also spread false gossip about others, but, some (like those who know you well or bartenders, cops (some of them even get trained for that), et cetera) have learned to know when they're being lied to and it's not just the microexpressions, comfort gestures (video-recorded one healthcare professional who did the very same thing Nixon did after he said he wasn't a crook during a speech, moving away from where she said it at and hugging herself) or tells).
Gathering intelligence from people or human intelligence (which many consider to be an oxymoron along with common sense and not to be confused with open-source intelligence) isn't difficult. In fact, many people do it for a job, including reporters, detectives, private investigators or those doing a deep background check on you, talking to people who might know something about you. Many employers do this as a matter of course, as something from your past that would look bad (even something posted on social media) would reflect badly on them for hiring you. Even the military has a specific MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) code for those who do this job, 0211 (for the United States Marine Corps), 1N7X1 (United States Air Force) and 35M but, used to be 97E (for the United States Army). While there are a multitude of ways to get this information from getting someone drunk (can you say in vino veritas?) or drugging them, threatening them or someone they love or simply offering them a bribe (perhaps cash or something the intelligence gatherer knows they want or saying they'll reward them with it but not actually giving it to them), getting the information is almost always accomplished as secrets rarely stay secret.
Privacy rights? Do you really think you have any rights to privacy in this modern era, where
How do I know these things? I pre-date people like Edward Snowden by decades (but, I try to keep a lower profile in the interest of
Few people are laughing at those who want privacy, now, after public disclosures of bulk data collection, ECHELON, PRISM, Pegasus, XKeyscore, MUSCULAR, MYSTIC, IMSI-catchers, BULLRUN, FinSpy, Tempora, RAMPART-A,
Don't believe it's possible for someone to read your thoughts or see your memories, such as a memory of a bad thing you did decades ago? Even now, there are devices which can read your surface thoughts and print them out! The things you see in your mind are also detectable with publicly-known examples that include Meta's Image Decoder (which involves a combination of MEG (magnetoencephalogphy) and machine learning), while the higher-end stuff is used by government agencies and the military. With the increasing speed of technology, it's only a matter of time before someone creates something that can do a nigh-instant deep scan of your mind without you even being aware of it, possibly while walking past you down the sidewalk or in a store, downloading all your memories, including all you've done to others (and memory storage is getting increasingly cheaper each year, so this can also be stored for a very long time for very little cost) or, at least, a collection of the worst and best things it found. Sounds like an idea for a social app, doesn't it? ;-) Or, a more simple device could be created which records your memories when you're asked certain questions, such as "what have you done or said to others that was racially motivated?" "Have you ever killed anyone in the real world?" "Have you ever lied to or insulted a customer, patient or co-worker?" "Have you said bad things about your employer or past employers in the real world or on-line?" "What was the worst thing you ever did or thought about doing?" Obviously, they can ask even more questions, 'drilling down' to find exactly what they're looking for in your memories.
The first application of such devices will likely be for vetting politicians (provided it's an authentic test and not just for show in their case), diplomats, spokespeople for companies or those who put in applications for high security jobs (if it's not being used already as a quick way of weeding out applicants). I expect something that can do all of the above to become publicly-known by 2030 at the very latest. Even extracted brain tissue could be used. In time, the line 'dead men tell no tales' will become null and void. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but, it just makes sense, keeping something like that secret for as long as possible as counter-measures such as memory-blocking technology won't be developed for it as quickly or at least won't be as aggressively funded. Think of it as information warfare, which follows a pattern similar to military technology, using easy to research examples such as castles, fortifications (and redoubts) versus siege engines (this includes ballistas, catapults and trebuchets or whatever a sapper can cobble together in the field), rifled barrels, railguns, bunker busters (such as the GBU-28), FLIR, drones and AI, with the technology coming at a faster pace with each year.
And, yes, I see the world differently than some, but, if you knew some of my worst life experiences and know the things I've researched, you would understand why. But, I still try to do the right thing. Other people who have had similar experiences? Not so much . . . Or, they only do it to convince others that they're nice when they're really not. I know what humans are truly like inside, and they prove it every time they think they can get away with something! So, until such technology becomes available for everyone, that's still a good way to get the true measure of someone, by seeing what they do when they think there's little or no consequences for their actions.
Think that governments will make mind-reading technology illegal because it's an invasion of privacy? Don't count on that! They didn't stop things like facial recognition (which is far more advanced than the earlier systems, which relied on facial geometry, with some of the immediate successors a short time later needing only to see a few skin pores) being used for apps on phones, and, besides, they use facial recognition, themselves, for multi-factor authentication (the basic sets involve something you know, something you have and something you are). In some countries, reverse facial recognition is used to look up someone's records on-line and not just the social media and social networking sites or with some face recognition search engines but also their criminal records. Some apps even insist the user use facial recognition to authenticate that the person who is using the smartphone matches the picture they posted of themselves to avoid catfishing.
Catching on, yet? Don't like paying for the consequences of your actions? Then don't do bad things, okay?
And, no, I'm not ignorant, although acting and appearing that way is certainly a great way to get people to under-estimate me. Most of what I know, I taught myself, in ways that wouldn't leave a paper trail, but you'll find some examples on this site (including the site, itself, which shows my ability to code using a simple text editor). Sometimes, I'll let a little information slip, but, most of it, I keep to myself. Besides, I stand out enough as it is and history shows what humans do to those who are different in any way whatsoever . . .
The above are the self-same rules which I (primarily) try to live by, despite all the bad things I've lived through and were done to me (just one example of one encounter with a driver while bicycling, search for the phrase arm broke), which makes it difficult for me to see humans as anything but cruel, sadistic and greedy monsters, and, some of you have noticed that I don't even like to engage in name-calling (I usually limit it to people who hurt those who can't defend themselves), but, instead, try to get people to see that what they're doing is wrong by mentioning who else had done similar things or behaved in the same manner in the past so they can see who they might be compared with, and, hopefully, change. About the only time I engage in surveillance (or sousveillance) is when someone has proven they're untrustworthy, for example, someone (or someone else who works at the same place) has lied to me in the past, littered or dumped their garbage on the property I live at or keep me asking for my medical records over and over again for years or isn't telling me all I need to know, such as matters of my health. Don't believe that healthcare professionals would lie to you, especially doctors? Look up the Radium Girls doctors, the Tuskegee Study (it went on for about 40 years and not a single person put a stop to it) or stories of when doctors had falsified data such as cancer screening tests so the patients didn't find out they had cancer until it was too late to do anything about it. One of the more well-known examples of this is the Kim Johnson case in Kentucky, where she was initially told by the Fleming County Hospital that there was no evidence of cancer and wasn't told she had cancer until it progressed to stage 4 and had spread into her bones (then, tried to blame her for it, when they were the ones who had falsified her medical records!) and there have been hundreds of such cases! There have also been doctors who claimed patients had cancer so they'd make money off of treating them for it. And, these are just a few examples! It makes you wonder what else is done to patients without their knowledge or fully-informed consent!
Been trying to make the world a better place for a very long time! I've warned people about threats to their lives and the growing threat of corporations and governments spying on them decades before people like Edward Snowden did (back in the 1990s I had a 4,096 bit encryption key for even my (at the time) publicly-known e-mail address). Did people listen? No. But, I've been telling people what the future holds for a very long time. And, yes, I have a Cassandra complex (who had an interesting story, herself) . . .
Other pages on this site:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theaters and bars.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #5. Mostly pictures taken in bars, but also other places.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #6. More pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a multiple-car accident, skateboarders in a parking garage, pictures of the inside of the nearly totally abandoned College Hills Mall and a picture of the Miller Park lake showing it almost perfectly still and mirror-like.