:+: Climate Change Facts AKA Climate Breakdown Facts with Details :+:
Instead of pasting a lot of text every time someone tries to argue about climate change, give them the link to this page!
Re: Climate Change or Climate Breakdown? The phrase Climate Change is misleading, making it sound as though it was a naturally-occurring thing when it's most definitely not! Instead, it should be called Climate Breakdown and it's a human-caused climate apocalypse. A climate dystopia or catastrophe created intentionally out of greed!
Seriously, stop destroying the planet, you
If this is your first time on my site and you're seeing this Web page on your desktop or laptop, you can put your mouse over the text with the coloured background and border around them
It's similar to regular mouseover stuff, but this is more noticeable to those with bad eyesight and I thought it'd be a nicer alternative than having a lot of links on the page and if you're curious about something and want to know more about it, the information's right there and those reading this page aren't having to read more than they need to, saving them time, as I get
The original (and longer) Climate Change AKA Climate Breakdown (a more realistic phrase for the human-caused problem), Sea Level Rise, Global Warming and Fossil Fuels Web page I created years back and stopped updating because I didn't think anyone cared. I still don't think anyone cares, but, I created the page you're on in case they start to and want the basic climate change facts AKA climate breakdown facts.
Although I have a very low opinion of humanity based on my personal experiences with them and the amount of history I've read, with one of the less-violent incidents being when I was almost turned into road kill I feel it's important to at least do something, even if the attempt is futile and nobody in the entire world listens.
With the way I've been feeling lately, which, like climate breakdown, is also due to humans, as I struggle to even get basic healthcare, I doubt if I'll be around much longer, anyway.
〽️ Last updated: October 26th, 2024
Is it possible that I might have more people reading what I post than I thought?👀😲
The day after I posted a change to this page, which included information about how wasted food in landfills was adding to methane in the atmosphere, CBS News posted a video about how a volunteer group called Food Rescue US DC (which picked up the food) and the Washington, D.C. World Bank Group was sending uneaten food to those in need so it wouldn't end up in a landfill!👈
They even mentioned
If someone did read what I posted and either passed it on to those who needed to know or acted on the information themselves, you deserve a big thank you!! While it could've been a coincidence (there's been many in my life and some were literally Earth-moving), there's now a little sliver of hope in me 🥲 about the fate of the world!⌛
Among the many coincidences in my life that sometimes give me shivers, I think this one is the very first that's given me joyful surprise!🥰 Maybe whoever or whatever's causing them felt I needed a break? Not going to get my hopes up too much, because there's a lot that's wrong in this world, but it's a very welcome change from what I've been seeing.
🕰️ Previous update: October 25th, 2024
Added the part about methane below (particularly about methane sources, as well as the explanation of the little mouseover coloured boxes which have more information in them that can be read by those who want it and are on laptops and desktop computers. 😎 Sadly, there's no way (yet) to make it work for those on smartphones or tablets.
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✅ Climate Breakdown Facts: 👍
Carbon dioxide AKA CO2: The average lifespan of carbon dioxide (CO2) is hundreds or thousands of years and about 25% of it lasts effectively forever! [1]
CO2 levels: Consider the change that's occurred, already, just since 1950! CO2 levels are now (the levels for December, 2024) over 425
Need to see what's coming in a video format?: There's a short video on YouTube called How Earth Would Look if All the Ice Melted (it's horribly outdated, already, even though it was posted in 2015) and places like Florida are shown as being completely underwater. [3]
Polar caps melting: All of the winter ice in the Arctic is supposed to melt by 2030, which will only accelerate global warming! How, you ask? Water absorbs the sun's light, whereas ice reflects it and there's no land under the North Pole. [4]
Storms and hurricanes 🌀 becoming more powerful: There have been ten category 5 hurricanes in the Atlantic since 2016 (Matthew, Irma, Maria, Michael, Dorian, Lorenzo, Ian, Lee, Beryl and Milton)! The total since 1960 is 31! [5] Even a
How hot it'll get: Expect the near future 🔮 to be a lot warmer! 😰 The land area where there's an average temperature of
✅ Possible solutions: 🤯
🏠Extremely energy efficient and self-sufficient homes: Want energy independence for yourself, your family or your community? Research Earthships! Even in the desert, these homes, made with
♻️Recycle, repurpose and reuse: Ask your local government or community to recycle more things that would normally get put in a
🥬🥔🍎🍍Buy vegetables and fruits even if they're not perfectly shaped and eat your food instead of throwing it out! Or maybe donate food that's near or past their 'best by dates' to homeless shelters or people you know who are struggling to make ends meet? To someone who's starving and has little to no food, the stuff you're thinking of tossing in the garbage would be very welcome!😋🍱🥘
About 1/3 of food made for human consumption is thrown out and this increases methane (AKA natural gas AKA CH4) in the atmosphere, which is a much worse greenhouse gas than CO2, at least in the short term.
Specifically, it's frequently cited as being about 80 times worse than carbon dioxide, based on a 20 year period. However, it'll usually only stick around for about 12 years. Still, in a longer duration, such as a 100 year period (which many climate models use), the methane will trap approximately 30 times the amount of heat as would the same amount of carbon dioxide. Oddly, methane doesn't get talked about as much as carbon dioxide . . .
This will need to change if people want more accurate climate models, especially if they take into account that when the ice melts over permafrost, exposing the biomass beneath it that's accumulated for thousands of years (or longer), it'll decompose, which will increase the amount of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere, which will add to global warming.
Well, that, and the lower
🙏Pray: Hey, you never know! Or, you could try to roll for divine intervention . . . 🎲
🕴️Make humans better people: Would it even be possible to get humans to become better people, to stop🛑 buying over-hyped products🎮🚙📱🏍️🚗 that are thrown away within months to a few years, to be more mindful of what their actions are doing to the environment, to stop pursuing wealth and power, clean up their messes, recycle ♻️ everything they can, to stop being warring⚔️, intolerant, cruel and sadistic monsters, who troll🧌 others online, engage in violent ground-acquisition games such as football🏈 (
Yeah, what was I thinking? 🙄 Next I'll be asking for a unicorn!🦄 But, I think Deadpool wants one more!🤣
#COP16 #ClimateChange #EnvironmentalResponsibility #ClimateBreakdown #SaveThePlanet #foodwaste #methane #greenhousegases #21cm #SETA #hydrogenline #worldcontactday #Earthships #NASA #CO2 #GreenhouseEffect #Deadpool #DeadpoolUnicorn #cyberwolfman
🕵️ Cited Sources: 👀
1: NASA's graphic: Major Greenhouse Gas Sources, Lifespans, and Possible Added Heat
3: How Earth Would Look if All the Ice Melted by Science Insider
4: The Arctic Could Be Sea Ice-Free in the Summer by the 2030s
5: List of Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes
6: Future of the Human Climate Niche: May 4th, 2020
Want to see more data in a visual format with graphs? Check out the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters of the United States. Things aren't getting better. They're getting worse! And, while you're there, take screenshots of it, as some deniers of the facts will try to stop some agencies from reporting them! After all, a more ignorant citizenry is an easier-controlled citizenry!
In 2007, SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States) ordered the EPA to reconsider whether greenhouse gases were pollutants subject to regulation under the Clean Air Act. The result was the EPA's Endangerment Finding.
But, this is already horribly outdated, as the environment's even worse off than they thought back then! However, since America is becoming a corporatocracy (ruled by corporations, with an example in pop culture being the short-lived television show Incorporated), or, at least, a combined corporatocracy and oligarchy (ruled by the rich) under an authoritarian leadership, any facts are likely to be seen as dangerous and might be made to disappear in order to make it easier for corporations to pollute the environment more! So, I encourage everyone to right-click that link and download a copy of it! It's 52 pages long and, it's woefully out-of-date with current data. But, the more facts you have the better off you are. It's better to rely on facts than lies spewed out of the mouth-hole by a stumbling, demented child-king! And, let's face it . . . the stuff that spews out of his mouth-hole seems to be very similar to what's likely spewing out of his butt-hole! 💩
Other Pages on this site:
The older (and longer) Climate Change AKA Climate Breakdown (a more realistic phrase for the human-caused problem), Sea Level Rise, Global Warming and Fossil Fuels Web page I created years back and stopped updating, because I didn't think anyone cared. I still don't think anyone cares, but, I created the page you're on in case they start to and want the basic facts.
☛ For a more complete list, please try the Site Map page, or the Main page, which doesn't list all the pages, but, is more interesting to look at than the Site Map page which is almost all links.
Pictures pages (more on the Site Map page)
Cyberwolfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, and theaters.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #5. Pictures of fountains, buildings, and people, including some radio D.J.s.
Cyberwolfman's Pix #6. More pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a multiple-car accident, skateboarders in a parking garage, pictures of the inside of the nearly totally abandoned College Hills Mall and a picture of the Miller Park lake showing it almost perfectly still and mirror-like.
My next pictures page should include pictures taken in south Florida.
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