Some of my characters from the Homecoming Server's City of Heroes Game
💡 For those who don't know, yet, put your mouse over the differently-coloured text to show more information about it. This was done to save you time, so you don't waste time reading stuff you don't have any interest in or already know about.
* The characters posted here are a mix of some I play often, play infrequently, are my favourites and least favourites. Just sharing them with others who might be interested.
* * If you're looking for a recommendation, and you're new to the game, get on the Open Beta to try out a character, that you can get to level 50 with a click of the mouse on the Freebies Menu so you don't have to spend hours (or days!) in a fire farm or teaming up (and after all that, you might not like the character and realise you wasted all that time). Start with a tank or a brute, while keeping in mind that there's some type(s) of damage that you won't have good defence and/or resistance to and you might lack some kind of status effect protection or resistance. Check the information in the powersets you can choose from. When they team up with other players, many tanks and brutes focus on getting as many of the enemy ticked off at them as they can by taunting them, especially the bosses, EBs, AVs, heroes, monsters and GMs. After a second or two, the other teammates join in, de-buffing the enemy, dealing damage to them or controlling the enemy until they can be defeated.
* * * After you've got experience in the game, you can try something more advanced, such as a controller, mastermind, or what-have-you. Research the various archetypes and choose one that matches well with your preferred playstyle!
* ⌚ Last updated on April 1st, 2024:
💡 Added more detailed information (like the little section above along with mouseovers for those who want more information) and organised the characters into archetypes, before I added even more characters! But, going to actually play the game for a while and do other things instead of coding for hours!
Page Links AKA Page Sections:
➢ Brutes. They can take a beating and the more they attack and are attacked, the harder they hit back!
➢ Defenders. Better for teaming up than solo playing.
➢ Masterminds. One of my favourite types of characters to play!
➢ Warshades. Not for new players and they have natural enemies who can take them out quickly.
My savage melee/willpower brute.
Currently on Excelsior shard. Rather like the look, but, not entirely certain about the shoulders. However, I figured I could always change them, later. Still, kind of unique and the colours appealed to me. His name is Luna Key, because Luna is the key that un-locks the beast within! Okay, it was either that or say "The moon, it's full!" - Gomez Addams. ;-) |
This is my storm summoning/storm blast defender character.
Currently on Excelsior shard. Not recommended, as the playstyle takes getting used to. Then, there's the players who hate other players whose powers have a knockback element. And this location is one of the game's Easter eggs and is in a very out of the way spot! His name is CLiMaTe BReAkDoWN. Figured the little island would be a good spot for this picture, as it would show what happens to some places when the world's oceans rise after all the ice in the world melts. |
The thugs/storm summoning mastermind I created.
Currently on Excelsior shard. Minus the thugs, of course! Always liked thunderstorms, although the storm summoning set isn't my favourite . . . His name is Do the Right Thing. Picture was taken in Mercy Island. The names of the thugs? Al Capone, John Dillinger, Jesse James, Carlo Gambino, Charles Luciano and Benjamin Siegel! And, yes, one of my favourite subjects is history! |
My 👽 extraterrestrial 👽 warshade character!
Currently on Everlasting shard (the un-official roleplaying shard). This is my warshade character, who I named DiFFerEnt and made him talk like an extraterrestrial in his text, since I couldn't make him talk like one with sound. But, I did what I could to create the impression that he was a real extraterrestrial! You work with what you have, you know? As for where the picture was taken . . . It's a secret! Just not this kind of secret 🤫 |
Contacting me in-game:
Send a global in-game e-mail to @CyberWoLfman (and an in-game tel, if you want, using "/t @CyberWolfman, What you want to say here" (without the quotes) although there's no guarantee I'll see the latter, but, it's a fast way to see if I'm on). Be warned, though, if you're a jerk, I'll put you on ignore (if I haven't, already), which means that none of the characters you created or will create on that account can ever contact me again.
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Other pages on this site:
Pictures pages:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #1.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #2.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theatres and bars.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #5. Mostly pictures taken in bars, but also other places.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #6. Not mobile-friendly (I was in an odd mood when I made it) and only a few pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a nearly-abandoned mall, so, probably skippable.
*All content here (except for the stuff I didn't make) copyright © Cyberwolfman™ AKA CyberWoLfman™ AKA Grok Wolf. All Rights Reserved. ᛇ ᛃ