CoH Easter Eggs in the Homecoming Server's City of Heroes Game found by CyberWoLfman
💡 For those who don't know, yet, put your mouse over the text with a background to it to read more information. This was done to save you time, so you don't waste time reading stuff you don't have any interest in or already know about.
* The CoH Easter eggs AKA City of Heroes Easter eggs are the ones I found in the City of Heroes game primarily by looking around in places I thought would be a good place to hide something (once upon a time, I built my own 3D world, and hid a lot of things in it), or, in some cases, that I read about or heard about from someone else either on the Web or in the game, itself.
* * If you want to tell others about these, it's entirely up to you. However, if you do, don't tell them exactly where something is. Instead, give them general hints to get their interest. It's just more fun that way, and, they'll likely remember the location better.
* * * Although it's tempting, I won't tell you about all the City of Heroes Easter eggs I found, or, for that matter, specific details on how to get to some of the more obscure ones. But, for those who enjoy the hunt and want a solution when they're ready to give up, I'll put in obscured location co-ordinates for you that you can just highlight then copy and paste into your chat to form a clickable link for a map thumbtack (if you're in the right zone). :-)
* ⌚ Last updated on May 21st, 2024:
Created a new tag to temporarily hide text so people can't see it unless they highlight it and get the clues and/or locations! It's in the Flat Nemesis section.
* ⌚ Previous update on May 20th, 2024:
✔ Added the picture where some of us tried to teach Nemesis a new variation of an old game! 😎
Page Links AKA Page Sections:
➢ Teaching Nemesis a new variation of an old game. While I've heard of some characters aren't well developed, this particular Nemesis literally lacks depth!
➢ There's a TARDIS in Pocket D. Now, whatever shall I do with this time-travelling phone booth? ;-)
➢ The gas station in the middle of nowhere. Abandoned, and definitely off the map!
➢ The Pocket D VIP Lounge house band. It's also known as the Pocket D Tiki Lounge.
➢ The Pocket D Monkey Fight Club. Oh! Did I mention there's a reason a team of monkeys always survives a match? I know the secret!
The Flat Nemesis and teaching Nemesis a new variation on an old game:
Is it just me, or, does this Nemesis character lack . . . depth? LOL Seriously, this guy's as thin as a piece of paper! He truly deserves the name . . . Flat Nemesis!
Location: "The Rikti War Zone at: * [-233.6 -77.0 -2124.2] *
"Hint: * The entrance is behind the boxes and it's a very thin entrance to the hallway, which leads to a clickable fold-up door. *
We tried our best to find characters that would make you think of this modern variation to an older game, that many are taught as children. However, one of us couldn't find any scissors weapons to use, and she tried all the powersets with no luck. So, she relied on the City of Heroes "/e scissors" (sans quotes) and click on the scissors icon.. If you're not certain what game I'm referring to, ask someone to look at the picture! ;-) Many people should recognise the first three (once they get names), going from right to left.
The answer: * Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock. *
Particles were turned off so you can see the characters in this better. The fast way to turn off particles (without going into Options) is to type "/noparticles 1" where you type your chat and hit the Enter key. To turn them back on, simply type "/noparticles 0" and they're back. Such a simple thing like the old light switches with round buttons, one lighter than the other. On/off, true/false or 1/0. Hey, we were binary back then! LOL
A TARDIS just for me? :-)
Now, all I have to do is resist temptation! Oh, who am I kidding? ;-)
There's a long list of places and times I want to visit . . . and take video!
Location: Pocket D.
Ah, I neglected to tell you . . . I once found another time-travel phone booth!
The gas station in the middle of nowhere:
An abandoned gas station that's definitely off the map!
Manny Gas (or Manny's Gas). Although there might still be gasoline, here, it's highly un-likely that anyone would want to drink the soda pop! |
The Pocket D VIP Lounge house band:
The house band that runs away when an audience shows up!
Sometimes, when you enter the Pocket D VIP Lounge, you'll see what appears to be members of the banished pantheon playing musical instruments. However, when they see you, they run out the door! News flash for you, guys: If you leave when people show up, you're not going to get paid! LOL
It's possible that they're named after The Ramones, as two of the banished pantheon here have the names Joey and Johnny.
The Pocket D Monkey Fight Club:
Monkeys versus robots!
You probably already know who won this round!
Did you know? The reason there's always a clear winner is that one team is always set so that their fellow monkeys can't hit them!
How did I get in the cage? Ask the monkeys! Got bananas? ;-)
Contacting me in-game:
Send a global in-game e-mail to @CyberWoLfman (and an in-game tel, if you want, using "/t @CyberWolfman, What you want to say here" (without the quotes) although there's no guarantee I'll see the latter, but, it's a fast way to see if I'm on). Be warned, though, if you're a jerk, I'll put you on ignore (if I haven't, already), which means that none of the characters you created or will create on that account can ever contact me again.
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Other pages on this site:
Pictures pages:
CyberWoLfman's Pix #1.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #2.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #3. Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #4. Back to the real world. Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, theatres and bars.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #5. Mostly pictures taken in bars, but also other places.
CyberWoLfman's Pix #6. Not mobile-friendly (I was in an odd mood when I made it) and only a few pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a nearly-abandoned mall, so, probably skippable.
*All content here (except for the stuff I didn't make) copyright © Cyberwolfman™ AKA CyberWoLfman™ AKA Grok Wolf. All Rights Reserved. ᛇ ᛃ