
CyberWoLfman's Web Asylum! (I made this picture! Never know what you can do if you try. :-) If you can access the Internet, why not learn something new?)

:+:  Meeting a Psychopath!  :+:

(Something I never want to do again!)

  One of the absolute worst human monsters I've met displayed ASP (Antisocial Personality) disorder traits (some doctors believe psychopaths are just one type who fits this description), which included:

  Projection (they attempt to convince others of what they, themselves, were doing);

  Vilification AKA gaslighting;

  Emotional barriers;


  The specifics?

  They repeatedly lied to me, claiming I didn't do something (namely forwarding information to them via e-mail), despite the fact that I had evidence on my phone that I did.  (Along with the e-mail app saying they were sent, another employee there told me they had got the e-mails I sent to the store's e-mail address.)  This was also a very stupid lie, as I'm a major tech nerd that anyone can know for certain within a few seconds of meeting me, unless they're literally blind.  Been using computers since at least the TRS-80 (it had a cassette tape drive) and Apple IIe (it used a floppy disk drive and the floppy disk was actually floppy).  Insinuating that I don't know how to correctly send an e-mail?  Really??  LOL

  When I moved about 20 feet or so away from that toxic person to a table to let someone else get up to the counter to try to get their business taken care of, I was staring into my phone's screen in the process of sending yet another e-mail with the information in it in an effort to appease the psychopathic woman (which is a wasted effort, as a psychopath and many other mentally ill with antisocial personality disorders are never satisfied with anything you do and, I'll admit, I was growing more frustrated and not just because, with my large hands (they're proportional to the my feet and I can't find shoes in my size at the local discount store chain) trying to tap the right letters on a little cell phone was absolutely no joy) and I mumbled "I can see why people snap" and she asked "what did you say?" loud enough to be heard by everyone there, and, when I didn't respond (trolls hate it when you ignore them), she said in the same loud voice that she had a gun and a concealed permit to carry it, which is when I looked up and saw she was looking right at me.

  My situational awareness, which is usually either yellow or orange depending on my current emotional state, where I am and who and what's around me (look up situational awareness colour codes and, as some say, keep your wits about you, if you want to stay alive as even noticing someone who's standing nearby who suddenly shifts their weight or glances quickly behind you could be the only warning you get before you get attacked or killed), was orange after entering the store and instantly recognising her (I was also trying very hard to not let my face show that I had recognised her, as many people can attest what happens when a malicious person knows that you see them as a threat, hoping she wouldn't do anything violent or say anything hurtful in order to make me look bad if I complained about it, which she would probably use as an excuse to do even more, because that's how people are) but quickly switched to nearly full-on red and I glanced around without being too obvious about it for adequate cover (true cover is in very short supply in many places of business, especially if your attacker has something more powerful than a .38) and my heart started to pound fast in my chest!

  Then she said I was threatening to shoot people in that same loud voice.  There were about eight people in the store in hearing range of that.

  I'm no lawyer, but, isn't what she said slander?  My appearance was definitely not threatening, as my hands were in plain view in front of me, one hand holding my small cell phone and the other one hovering over it, and, I was wearing a peace sign around my neck and had a hat on with the words "stop the hate" written on it and was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with no obvious way to hide even a small pistol, and I should be on the store's surveillance video footage, as there were a few surveillance cameras that should've had me in their field of view.

  Okay, maybe somebody could hide a very tiny pistol in a 'prison wallet,' but, you'd think that even a tiny pistol would hurt very, very badly, be extremely obvious when you pulled it out and be very difficult to use, covered with . . .  Eww!  Okay, I am not going there!  And, before you ask, neither are you!

  Isn't it illegal or considered mob action or attempt to incite a mob to violence or something like that or to scare people with the threat of gun violence or attempt to get people to gang up on a non-violent person who obviously isn't threatening anyone?  You would think so, anyway . . .  And, wouldn't the person and company who hired her and trained her be at least partly responsible for what she did?  Maybe her parents should also be considered at least partly responsible, if they were supposed to teach her the difference between right and wrong.

  Anyway, the people there looked at me (a big guy with grey hair who was primarily focused on trying to read the teeny-tiny text on his little cell phone) and ignored me.  So, no, she didn't fool them, either!  LOL

  I left the store, went to another store where there were people around me (who could witness if she followed me with the intent to do me more than the emotional harm she had already caused me), called the cops and told them what happened.

  As I said above, I recognized her.  She was one of my neighbours!  She lived within a few houses from me (a while back, her tall friend in blue coveralls (whose name started with a M) threw used motor oil in my yard (I saw him walking to another yard two houses down from me with what looked like a drip pan and I went there to take a picture of the wet grass I saw there and I heard him laughing at me behind my back as he sat in a car near that spot when I turned around to walk back home, but, maybe he saw the BB pistol I had stashed in my back pocket out of fear that people who do bad things to others may do other bad things such as acts of violence to them and if I feared for my life, getting stung by a BB might get them to stop, or, at the very least, yell, which might've attracted the attention of other neighbours), another time, he handed me a tag from a package of underwear after he left a Walmart store (which made me wonder why he had it and why I didn't see the package of underwear it should've been in), and on another occasion when I was riding my bicycle, sped up in his little blue car to get ahead of me in order to turn right in front of me so I had no choice but to stop really fast or run into the front of his car and likely be killed from being crushed under its wheels and, I'm hoping he did it accidentally by not seeing me, but, if so, I hope he paid more attention after that, since there were a lot of little kids living in that area, and, if he couldn't see a guy who's over six feet tall . . .), but, didn't let her know that I remembered her.

  (For those who need help in remembering what people look like in order to give a better description of them, learn to see far more than just the basic facial geometry, hair style or eye colour (or colours, as some people have eyes of different colours, but, eye colour, like hair style or hair colour (the latter can be changed as quickly as putting on a wig or cutting off the hair in a van or public restroom and quickly using a hair dye) can be changed).  Remember the height of someone (there's a reason there's a height guide alongside the doors of many convenience stores), look for physical details (some could be very small) which might be unique and can't be changed quickly such as permanent tattoos (learn to tell the difference between temporary tattoos (which could be put on in a matter of seconds using a device and wiped off with soap and water and might be used to get people looking for something that's no longer on them) and permanent tattoos), scars, birthmarks, the habitual movements they make, their gestures, their accent, their choice of words (although the latter four could be an act) and so on.  Those details might also help police in identifying someone, un-like clothes, which can simply be changed or, if it's a shirt or coat, be taken off and stashed somewhere, pushed into a garbage can or dumpster, or given to someone, which would get them nabbed and the bad person might escape the area if the police think they had caught them or spotted them, in which case, multiple units would converge on the spot of the sighting.  How many things like that do I know?  Some things are written on my Web pages, but, be thankful that I have a strong moral code (but most of humanity doesn't and those who've read enough history or have seen what people do whenever they think they can get away with something can verify that) and prefer to use my knowledge to help others and make the world better and safer.)

  I can only hope they investigated her, took away her gun (or guns, if she had more than one, which is increasingly more likely these days) and other weapons, and hopefully, took her some place where she could get the help she seemed to be in urgent need of.  I also hope that she didn't have children in her home, as they're frequently the first victims of people like that . . .

  Part of me was surprised that when she looked at me, she didn't realise that others in my life from as far back as grade school had tried to do similar things to me.  Guess she never learned how to properly size up a mark or assumed that everyone she went after would be the exact same.  Or, didn't care . . .  Believing that I was a fool and judging me solely on my appearance, she proved herself to be one.

  If she and her tall friend are both mentally ill, they might be doing other bad things, such as triangulation, where someone says something bad about a 3rd party to someone, believing that the person (or people) they say it to won't try to confirm it and will believe their lie whole-heartedly.  Those who spread rumours are haters and liars (many times, sad to say, it's because someone is different from them in some way, so, they might be intolerant or an outright racist).  Anyone who spreads rumours without confirming them (should you really be saying bad things about others you've named (or identified in some way to others so there's no doubt as to who you mean) behind their backs and won't those you're talking to (or whatever deity you worship or karma) judge you based on that?), marks themselves as a gullible fool.  Those who believe them, mark themselves as an idiot who's likely to believe anything (and in the latter two cases will encourage others to try to scam you).

  Something else that concerns me about them . . .  Do they do these things because I'm different, and, if so, have they done them to others who were different from them?  Those they treat in such a way might grow to hate those who are like them, and, possibly, cause them to donate money to hate groups who oppose them.  Will their actions result in others losing their lives?  You'd hope not, but, I also realize that if they're mentally ill, they may not have any empathy for anyone or care who gets hurt as a result of their actions and/or words.

Other pages on this site (more on the Site Map page)

    For a more complete list, please try the Site Map page, or the Main page, which doesn't list all the pages, but, is more interesting to look at than the Site Map page which is almost all links.

Site MapMain pageSouth Florida Entertainment ReviewNikola TeslaThis Is ItUnited States of America Healthcare Reform and Universal Healthcare Public PlanCity of Heroes ReviewInternet HelpCool QuotesSleep Tips and REMvilleVidScans (honest movie reviews and honest TV show reviews)E-mail Privacy / PGPRepressed TechnologyID Chip Implants3D Chat: 3D Chat Programs ReviewedThe Truth about humansStoriesSchool Violence: What Causes School Violence Alice Cooper Green Lasers Trivia Laugh Machine WinMX HelpBloomington-Normal Illinois Dining GuideBloomington-Normal Illinois BarsHospital ReviewsFlorida Hospitals Review

Pictures pages

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #1.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #2.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #3.  Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #4.  Back to the real world.  Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, and theaters.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #5.  Pictures of fountains, buildings, and people, including some radio D.J.s.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #6.  More pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a multiple-car accident, skateboarders in a parking garage, pictures of the inside of the nearly totally abandoned College Hills Mall and a picture of the Miller Park lake showing it almost perfectly still and mirror-like.

  My next pictures page should include pictures taken in south Florida.

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  *VidScans™ Honest Movie Reviews™ Honest TV Show Reviews™ Copyright © Cyberwolfman™ AKA CyberWoLfman™ AKA Grok Wolf.  All Rights Reserved. ᛇ ᛃ

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  What's Wrong with America

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  Healthcare Reform

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  Drinking Water Safety

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