About this page: This page and the other opinion type pages on this site reflect my views of various events, businesses and products in the South Florida area. The opinions here are my own, formed by my experiences, and not dictated to me by any sponsors, since I have none. This site is not ad-supported, whereas others are. Draw your own conclusions, but, if you want to read an honest review, you're at the right place.
South Florida has a lot of variety, plenty of good sources of entertainment and there's usually something going on, somewhere, even to the crack of dawn, as there are several places that can serve alcohol 23 hours a day. If you're not into that, there's always movies, the beach, concerts, restaurants, museums, et cetera.
South Florida Entertainment Reviews accessible to the public:
(Check back every so often for more stuff, as I convert more or my pages into something that the general public can handle.)
South Florida Entertainment Review: Toucan's Oceanside Bar and Grill
A few other pages on this site:
Copyright © Cyberwolfman™ aka CyberWoLfman™ aka Grok Wolf. All Rights Reserved.