
CyberWoLfman's Web Asylum! (I made this picture! Never know what you can do if you try. :-) If you can access the Internet, why not learn something new?)

:+:  Covid 19 Information  :+:

(Probably never going to update this page, since nobody's listening anyway, much like most of my other help pages.)

  COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet.  Although it's written for providers, it's information you can use.  Just remember though:  If you've already been infected (even if you don't have symptoms, yet, you still might have already been infected and you can spread it even before you have symptoms), it's too late to get vaccinated!  Many have died in the hospital, after finally realizing they should've gotten vaccinated.  But, by then, it was too late for them.  If you want a tip that might save your life and you're willing to listen, when the more infectious variants start up, if you absolutely don't have to go out or travel, don't.  If you go to an event, visit with family or feel the urge to go someplace (especially don't go by aeroplane when the more infectious strains come out, because if airline employees like flight attendants, pilots and baggage handlers get sick, flights will be delayed or canceled and you could be sitting in an airport with many other people (for several hours or even days!) who could've been infected), you could infect others or be infected yourself (even if nobody's showing symptoms).

  As for the six-foot distancing rule . . . it's rubbish, as Kimberly Prather and Linsey Marr showed that a particle as small as five microns (and anything larger than that was believed to be filtered out by the mucus in your throat and nostrils) can travel hundreds of feet, so, if you were wearing a mask, didn't touch any surfaces and still got Covid-19, now you know how.  The CDC?  They only admit to it on one page, this one:  Scientific Brief: SARS-CoV-2 Transmission, whereas their How COVID-19 Spreads page (which claims you can only get COVID-19 via inhalation if you're within 6 feet) doesn't mention that very important fact (last checked on June 20th, 2021).  But, I will, because I think it's important enough to tell you about it.  Don't people's lives and health matter to the CDC?

  In regards to the five micron size:  particles that size and smaller are considered aerosols (which is how measles, chickenpox and tuberculosis spreads), but, many sites won't tell you about that particle size, which I think is important for people to know as it might keep them from getting sick and possibly dying by relying on something that doesn't stop something that small or smaller.

  When will COVID stop?  SARS-CoV-2 (which is what caused COVID-19 AKA coronavirus disease 2019) and others like it will be around for a very long time, and, like other viruses, it changes, adapts and mutates into variants of itself in order to survive.  Once infected, the only thing medical science can do was to try to manage their symptoms AKA symptom management, which is the kind of care you'll find in many countries with an inferior healthcare system such as the United States, especially if you're over 70.  Unless you're rich and/or powerful (which, in the more corrupt countries, was equal to the same thing) . . .  Want an example of a not-so-hypothetical situation?  A very sick person goes into a hospital expecting to have their life saved.  The shortage of staff is so bad, that, if the healthcare professionals give them the care they need, at least a few other people will die.  So, what do you think happens in such a situation when the staff figure that out?  Here's a better question: What happens if it's you?  Don't think it's possible?  Look up triage.  Factors which staff use to decide who gets time spent on them and how much include how likely someone will die, how effective treating them will be and their remaining natural lifespan.  If there's severely diminished resources, expect triage to more closely resemble that of the military's model in regards to code black or expectant (you're expected to die) cases.

  COVID conspiracies, disinformation agitprop and fake news:  Don't believe the rumours.  Get the facts by doing fact-checking.  Isolated incidents and manufactured lies are most definitely not factual.  Like I said above, if you spread fake rumours, you mark yourself as a liar.  If you spread them, you mark yourself as a gullible fool.  If you believe them, you mark yourself as an idiot who's likely to believe anything (and in the latter two cases will encourage others to try to scam you).  Do yourself a favour and choose to be none of the above!

  Now, as for some people claiming that president Biden acted like a dictator when he said that people had to get vaccinated . . .  Mandatory vaccinations for diseases in America date back to 1777 when George Washington ordered troops to get vaccinated (called variolation back then, and, a little trivia for you, the word vaccine got its name from the latin word for cow (vacca), and it started by giving people a little cowpox, as it was discovered that milkmaids who got it never got smallpox) for smallpox (he even encouraged his wife, Martha Washington, to get it) and the very same politicians who claimed that it was wrong to force people to get vaccinated also forced people (including schoolchildren) to get vaccinated against mumps, meningitis, rubella and varicella (which causes chickenpox).  So . . . It's okay for those politicians to do it, but, it's not okay for the president of the United States?  Words like hypocrisy come to mind . . .

Other pages on this site (more on the Site Map page)

    For a more complete list, please try the Site Map page, or the Main page, which doesn't list all the pages, but, is more interesting to look at than the Site Map page which is almost all links.

Site MapMain pageSouth Florida Entertainment ReviewNikola TeslaThis Is ItUnited States of America Healthcare Reform and Universal Healthcare Public PlanCity of Heroes ReviewInternet HelpCool QuotesSleep Tips and REMvilleVidScans (honest movie reviews and honest TV show reviews)E-mail Privacy / PGPRepressed TechnologyID Chip Implants3D Chat: 3D Chat Programs ReviewedThe Truth about humansStoriesSchool Violence: What Causes School Violence Alice Cooper Green Lasers Trivia Laugh Machine WinMX HelpBloomington-Normal Illinois Dining GuideBloomington-Normal Illinois BarsHospital ReviewsFlorida Hospitals Review

Pictures pages

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #1.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #2.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #3.  Pictures taken in the ActiveWorlds 3D chat program.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #4.  Back to the real world.  Includes Halloween pictures, party pictures, more pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois including events, people, and theaters.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #5.  Pictures of fountains, buildings, and people, including some radio D.J.s.

  Cyberwolfman's Pix #6.  More pictures of Bloomington-Normal Illinois, including a multiple-car accident, skateboarders in a parking garage, pictures of the inside of the nearly totally abandoned College Hills Mall and a picture of the Miller Park lake showing it almost perfectly still and mirror-like.

  My next pictures page should include pictures taken in south Florida.

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  *VidScans™ Honest Movie Reviews™ Honest TV Show Reviews™ Copyright © Cyberwolfman™ AKA CyberWoLfman™ AKA Grok Wolf.  All Rights Reserved. ᛇ ᛃ

Featured Pages:

Climate Change AKA Climate Breakdown and Sea Level Rise!

  Climate Change AKA Climate Breakdown, Sea Level Rise, Global Warming and Fossil Fuels

What's Wrong with America picture

  What's Wrong with America

Healthcare Reform page picture

  Healthcare Reform

Drinking Water Safety

  Drinking Water Safety

3D Chat Programs picture

  3D Chat Programs

